Mitterhirschberg, Familie Schweighuber

Farm, Vacation apartment

This business is excellent…

  • Holidays on the farm (member of provincial association)
  • Flower rating system: 4 flowers

Your stay

Enjoy the absolute tranquility at the sunny highest organic mountain farm Waidhofens. Comfortable, well-equipped apartments for 2 to 5 people with magnificent panoramic views invite you to relax. Who wants to help in the stable, should not forget his rubber boots. Alpacas, cats, calves, camera sheep and rabbits want to be petted and fed by children.

In winter you can really let off steam, e.g. with sack slides, bobsledding, snowman building or a hearty snowball fight.

Breathe out - let go or be active in sports.

You can experience and get to know the rural cycle of the year with customs and culture. Relaxing in the orchard and doing nothing, you will find the balance of body, mind and soul again. For sporty vacationers, our mountains offer every imaginable possibility.

Other highlights at the farm:

- Alpaca hike with a beautiful view

- cozy campfire

- great alpaca products for sale (shoe insoles, bedspread, keychains)

- Cranio Sacral treatment (deep, holistic bodywork)

- farm products (jam, bacon, bread, milk)

Rain, snow or sunshine - it's always fine at the Hirschberg.

Family Schweighuber is looking forward to your visit.

This is what other guests say about this host: Mitterhirschberg, Familie Schweighuber

Excellent hotel. Awesome vibe.

Good to know

  • Great view

  • Good management

  • Friendly service

  • Great room

  • Fantastic service

  • Awesome vibe

  • Good management

Highlights from the 28 ratings

  • Vibe

    5.0 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    9 ratings
  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    11 ratings
  • Room

    4.8 / 5
    12 ratings
  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    5 ratings
  • Room

    4.7 / 5
    7 ratings

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Animals at the farm, Barbecue area, Wifi
  • Service
    Washing machine, Parking, Pets allowed
  • Sports/recreation
    Garden, Kid's outdoor playground, Petting zoo
  • Capacities
    Beds: 10, Holiday flats: 4, Maximum groupsize: 10
  • Location
    in the mountains

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Mitterhirschberg, Familie Schweighuber

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