Biohof Ebenbauer, © Walter Mussil

Therapeutic fasting in the Ybbstal Alps

Mens sana in corpore sano - In a healthy body dwells a healthy mind. Regenerate body and soul in the Ybbstal Alps!

Cleanse your body and soul of old burdens and physical ailments at the Ebenbauer organic farm of the Wagner family!

Fasting weeks are offered on two different dates. Due to the current situation, the date in March is an online support where you will be provided with detailed documents, recipes and daily meetings with nutritional inputs and relaxation sessions. The second appointment takes place in the traditional way, on site and with the help of two specialists. Here you can completely decelerate and cleanse yourself from the inside out. After these detox weeks, you will feel reborn!

Please refer to the PDF's for more details!

Quick Facts -  fasting vs. therapeutic fasting


  • Complete abstention from solid food; clear soups, healthy teas and vegetable and fruit juices are allowed
  • Can be done in short intervals alone or under supervision
  • The aim is to strengthen the immune system, relieve the gastrointestinal tract and boost fat metabolism

Therapeutic fasting

  • An initial fasting phase is followed by a moderate food intake adapted to the disease
  • The longer therapeutic fasting (usually 1 - 4 weeks) is subject to medical responsibility
  • Additional treatments for body and soul, are carried out as an aid to achieving holistic healing