Lunzferien - Privatzimmer und Ferienwohnungen Mayr

Apartment, Vacation apartment

This business is excellent…

  • Association of private renters
  • Sun rating system: 4 suns

Your stay

The private rooms and apartments of the Mayr family in Lunz am See are the vacation paradise par excellence for families and nature lovers. Here everything revolves around relaxed vacations far away from hectic and stress, here you can switch off and simply enjoy nature.

Surrounded by gorgeous mountain scenery, meadows and forests, the Mayr family welcomes you directly at the picturesque Lake Lunz in the heart of the Ybbstaler Alps in Lower Austria. Further arguments for a stay at the Wilde Wunder Card accommodation in Lunz am See are the huge playground and a campfire site.

This is what other guests say about this host: Lunzferien - Privatzimmer und Ferienwohnungen Mayr

Excellent accommodation. Great rooms and fantastic service.

Good to know

  • Good management

Highlights from the 30 ratings

  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    8 ratings
  • Room

    5.0 / 5
    6 ratings
    • „Nice appartement“
  • Breakfast

    5.0 / 5
    5 ratings

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Lounge area, Baby bed, Baby highchair, Suitable for wheelchairs, Terrace/guest garden, Barbecue area, Wifi, Room with balcony
  • Service
    Drinks for sale in the establishment, Pets not allowed, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Without board, Washing machine, Parking, Bread service
  • Sports/recreation
    Bike rentals, Garden, Kid's outdoor playground, Sunbathing lawn
  • Capacities
    Beds: 10, Double rooms: 2, Apartments: 2, Maximum groupsize: 10
  • Location
    at the lake, at the ski resort, in the mountains, rural location, at the outskirts of the village, calm environment
  • Distance
    to the lake: 0.05 km, to the next ski lift: 1.2 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Lunzferien - Privatzimmer und Ferienwohnungen Mayr

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